支持十大赌博靠谱信誉网站的多样性、公平性和包容性 | 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站-十大赌博信誉的平台


通过十大赌博信誉的平台的多样性, 股本, 及共融基金, 十大赌博信誉的平台正在丰富十大赌博靠谱信誉网站的努力,以创造一个包容的, 多样化的, 和尊重的社区——一个拥抱, 理解, 并且毫不含糊地支持每一个来到奥尔登街的学生. 所有募集的资金都将通过奖学金的形式提升学生的体验, 创造性的编程, and new opportunities and will help to create a learning and living environment in which all students can thrive.

“给 back to 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 is a responsibility that I accept and fully embrace. 能够直接给予多样性, 股本, 和包容 Fund has allowed me to dedicate my gift towards making a difference in the life of the college's Black Indigenous & People of Color (BIPOC) students as they strive to live the college mission of leadership and service.”


Annual support from alumni, family, and friends help keep 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 strong each year. You can choose to support any of the five Diversity, 股本, 和包容 annual funds today:

  • 〇运营需要 提供所需的资金来维持 共融及社区参与部, 包括多元化办公室, 股本, 和包容, 每年蓬勃发展,满足学生的需求
  • 学生团体 -支持学生团体,例如杰出人士, 女性的权力, 跨文化学生协会, 黑人学生会, 以及SC性别与性取向联盟
  • 签名计划 - provides resources for the Education and Leadership Luncheon, the 马丁·路德·金. 讲座, 体育与社会正义研讨会, 多样性, 股本, 及共融奖, 和更多的
  • 学生参与 -支持小团体学生的教育旅行, 包括春假社会正义之旅, 全国有色人种峰会, 校内电影放映和互动讲座, 还有其他让学生参与的机会, 探索历史, and experience unforgettable moments that help shape them as responsible citizens
  • 员工敬业度 -为图书讨论组提供支持, 多元化午宴系列, 骄傲会谈, 有色人种员工招待会, 以及学术和部门计划的主动性.


“对我来说, receiving the John 威尔逊图书奖学金 means that the hard work on campus that I do in regards to striving for change on campus and being an advocate for social justice isn’t being unnoticed and that others appreciate me being a student leader. I look at it as a thank you for doing what you’re doing and to keep up the great work.”
Ja 'Naya阿什利2021届毕业生


你也可以向支持多元化的基金捐款, 股本, 以及通过设立捐赠基金而永久包容;

  • 玛丽安L. 听说紧急支助基金
    • This fund was established by Liberty Mutual in 2013 in recognition of 玛丽安Langston Heard, 1978届毕业生, 感谢她在董事会的服务. The fund supports African-American students who have a demonstrated need for emergency support to assist them with reaching their educational goals.
  • 莫法特家庭多元化教练奖学金
    • 多亏了罗杰的慷慨, 1971届毕业生, 和琳达, 1973届毕业生, Moffat和Kurt Aschermann, 1971届毕业生, 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 launched 莫法特家庭多元化教练奖学金 in 2020. One graduate assistant coaching position is made available to the Department of 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 to enhance the diversity of the College’s coaching staff and to build a 多样化的 pipeline of coaches throughout intercollegiate athletics.
  • Dr. 汤姆·瓦德德尔 ' 59基金
    • 汤姆·瓦德德尔, 1959届毕业生, 是一名医生, 奥林匹克运动员, 民权先驱, 也是同性恋运动会的创始人, 一个向所有人开放的国际体育和艺术节日. 这个基金是由李博士的校友、家人和朋友建立的. Waddell in 2015 to provide financial support to promote diversity education programs at 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站.
  • 奥利弗U. 威尔逊老. 紧急援助基金 
    • 2016年由退役NFL跑卫教练奥利弗U. 威尔逊小., 1974届毕业生, 为了纪念他的父亲, this fund provides emergency financial assistance to students approaching completion of their degree to support achieving their 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 degree.


“回馈他人一直是我生活的一部分, 当我2015年来到十大赌博靠谱信誉网站时, 我立刻投入到这所学院和它的使命中, 特别是“为他人服务”的理想.“我选择把我的捐款捐给约翰·C. 威尔逊图书奖学金. I did so to honor, and do my part in keeping the legacy of John 威尔逊 alive here on campus. 当我和那些受奥巴马先生影响的校友谈话时. 威尔逊, his legacy of service to others (specifically our campus BIPOC students) is always discussed. Further, I know the importance and value that this scholarship can have on its recipients.”

卡尔文R. 希尔博士他是负责包容和社区参与的副总裁


Or you can support a student scholarship that helps provide key financial resources for deserving students over the course of their academic experience:

  • 肖恩•米. 艾伦06年度奖学金基金
    • 由肖恩的父母于2016年创立, 尼古拉斯和梅里达·艾伦, this scholarship honors his memory through the generosity of funding from the 肖恩•米. 艾伦勇气与希望挑战公司.这是一家帮助身体残疾人士的非营利组织. 作为十大赌博靠谱信誉网站的学生, 肖恩坚定地参与生活, 勇气, 还有善良的灵魂. This fund provides financial aid for a deserving student entering their sophomore, junior or senior year with financial need who is challenged with a physical disability that impairs mobility. 研究生也有资格. 
  • Deighton alley III级1979年奖学金基金
    • 向他们的兄弟和儿子致敬, 学院理事丹尼丝·阿莱恩, 1973届毕业生和她的母亲, 多洛雷斯Alleyne, 该奖学金于2018年设立,以纪念戴顿·阿莱恩, 1979届毕业生.  该基金是针对高年级学生的紧急奖励, 从大二到大四, 因意外情况需要经济援助的人士, 留在十大赌博靠谱信誉网站完成学业. 
  • 哈罗德·R. 阿莫斯和艾奥拉·约翰逊奖学金基金
    • 2003年通过名誉受托人的遗赠成立. 哈罗德·R. 阿摩司, 1941届毕业生, the scholarship is awarded to two African-American students in their junior year on the basis of academic excellence. 微生物学家. 阿摩司 was Harvard Medical School’s first Black department chair and advocate for underrepresented minorities.  该奖学金优先支持数学专业的学生, 化学, 生物学和物理学.
  • L.G. 贝尔福捐赠奖学金基金
    • 该奖学金于1993年由L.G. 为十大赌博靠谱信誉网站的少数族裔学生提供支持. 巴尔福基金会授予这笔赠款,以帮助提供受教育的机会.
  • 伯克希尔银行奖学金
    • 最初由汉普顿储蓄银行于2011年成立, 现在是伯克希尔银行的一部分, 目的是支持来自春田市的弱势学生, 质量. 谁有经济上的需要进入十大赌博靠谱信誉网站.
  • 赫斯特基金会奖学基金
    • 由威廉·伦道夫·赫斯特基金会资助成立于1996年, the fund provides scholarships for minority students interested in careers as YMCA leaders. 
  • 埃德温·C. 约翰逊奖
    • 1991年由T. 乔治·西尔科特,1952届毕业生,这个基金是为了纪念埃德温·C. 约翰逊,1928届的毕业生,因为他对约翰逊先生的包容和仁慈. Silcott when he was working as one of the few Black staff members in the Boston YMCA. This scholarship supports minority students with financial need preparing for careers in service to humanity and with an interest in working with today’s youth. 
  • 牧师. 马丁·路德·金. 纪念奖学金
    • 由学生发起和领导, 这项奖学金的经费是由学生们提供的, 教师, 和十大赌博靠谱信誉网站的朋友以及学院的投资, 纪念马丁·路德·金牧师的遗产. 该奖学金支持有经济需要的黑人学生.
  • 少数族裔奖学基金
    • Established in 1988 through grants from Digital Equipment Corporation and Aetna Life Insurance Company, along with The Harold Grinspoon Charitable Foundation and gifts from additional corporate and individual donors, 这项奖学金资助少数民族学生.
  • 伯莎·佩里奖学金基金
    • 资金来自伯莎·佩里2008年收到的遗赠, 斯普林菲尔德市的居民, this scholarship provides funds for an African American who has maintained a high standard in his or her junior or senior year.
  • 雷德蒙德家庭奖学金
    • In 2017, Jennifer Redmond Hunter and her family established this fund in memory of her father, Mr. 约翰·雷德蒙德,1963届毕业生.  该基金将他及其家族与十大赌博靠谱信誉网站的关系视为他的妻子, 朱迪思·罗杰斯·雷德蒙德, 1967届毕业生, 詹姆斯·H兄弟. 1962届的雷德蒙德,还有彼得·D. 雷德蒙德1977届毕业生也出席了典礼.  The scholarship is awarded to an African American student in the School of Health, 体育课, 和娱乐(现在称为体育), 表现及体育领导). 
  • 约瑟夫·威廉姆斯治疗娱乐奖学金
    • 由约瑟夫·威廉姆斯于2013年创作, 1966届毕业生, this scholarship promotes diversity within the field of Therapeutic Recreation at the undergraduate or graduate level, through providing an opportunity for African American students with financial assistance. 它颁发给即将升学的大三或一年级研究生.
  • 约翰米. 威尔逊图书奖学金
    • 纪念他在十大赌博靠谱信誉网站的38年, 最著名的是担任多元文化事务中心主任, 该基金由校友于2015年成立, 他的家人和朋友. 威尔逊. 该基金旨在表彰为多元化办公室做出贡献的学生, 股本, 和包容 or to a culture of inclusive excellence around issues of diversity and inclusion with an award toward academic supplies and textbooks.


“The John 威尔逊图书奖学金 reduces the financial burden of the cost of course text, 什么能帮助我实现学业卓越的目标. The scholarship allows me to have the materials needed to reach my full potential. 同时也减轻了我学术课程的材料费负担, I can be more productive and have the time needed to focus on getting good grades.”
